It is a great question.
And the answer is usually, "I dunno. How do you know its time to go to bed? I mean, you just know, right?"
Well, truth be told, that answer always bothered me. It seems intuitively obvious, but at the same time, is dismounting behavior truly intuitive and is it really like knowing if its bedtime?
So, I got my boys on it.
Now, thanks to the tireless effort of a crack team of researchers funded by Blader Industries, Inc., now we know how we know when the moment to stop is just right. And, it turns out, the same genes in your bodies that regulate your awake and sleep cycles, the genes that say when to go to sleep and when to wake, those controlling your 'circadian rhythms', are also the same genes that tell you when it is time to dismount following a robust copulatory burst!!
Of course, its fascinating to consider the ramifications of this study. Specifically those showing that a male fruit fly with mutations in clock genes will copulate, on average, 30-50% LONGER than his non-mutant colleague.
And isn't ironic that one of these genes happens to have been called, 'period' long before its involvement in copulatory behavior was discovered?
Unfortunately, a mutation in 'period' only prolongs male copulatory endurance. The same mutation in females has no effect. Let's hope there is a work around for that one.
Oh! This one has so many possibilities!
1 comment:
Great site!!! this information really helped me
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