Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dad, get me out of this!!!

"Somehow I got stuck.....and I'm down on my luck....."

Reminds me of a time when I was 17, out on my very first wilderness expedition chautauqua in the mountains, thousands of miles away from home. After three weeks in the hills, eating only dried food and whatever trout we could catch, I came down to a little valley town, where I frittered away my greyhound bus money on a 3 day pizza, poptart and beer binge.

I had just enough left over to call dad, who wired me a Western Union cashiers check, just enough to find my way back home.

It is a good thing that a father can save the son. So seeing 41 save the sorry ass of 43 reminds me exactly of my first great adventure away from home. But not precisely.

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